Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Back in the islands!

After several long flights and lay-overs, I made it to the East Coast and back to Hawaii safely, despite 2 natural disasters in the mix! And yes- made it back a while ago but have been adjusting to a new busy schedule here, sorry for the delay!
My vacation home started with 2 great birthday parties- one for my 4 year old nephew, the other for my now 8 (gasp!) year old niece! The latter elected to have a Hawaiian themed birthday party- so this put the knowledge that I gained over last year to the test to re-create a more authentic party/luau.  I also got to meet my newest niece who is already sitting up on her own and not far from walking I think- she is adorable and such a good baby!

Rock n' Roll b-day party for my nephew

Hawaii beach cake- complimented with tropical fruits

Youngest and oldest nieces- both adorable!

After this great visit with family up north- I rode with my parents and oldest niece back down to Maryland. On this ride- we were informed of a pretty major earthquake that extended from VA up through New England, with a measurement of 5.8 in the Richmond/DC area.  Luckily- we didn't have any effects on the road, but during the next few days of my visit you could see some of the after effects in buildings around the area.  We enjoyed a quick visit with my grandmother, whom I think I may have convinced to come to Hawaii...we'll see though =).
The next several days were spent in the Annapolis/DC area visiting old friends as well as my sister. This visit was extended a couple days longer than anticipated due to natural disaster number 2 -- Hurricane Irene!  Again- quite lucky in that only minimal effects were felt where I was, and luckily no loss of power.
Then, I was off on the road again heading back to New England for my old roommate's wedding in NH. It was a long drive and I arrived late evening, but woke up to this amazing view in the morning:

So, needless to say- we had a great time visiting and enjoying the beautiful scenery at the lodge! We had amazing weather thru the week and the wedding was held at an outdoor chapel area on a little hill looking out over the mountains and lake.

Sadly, my visit to the east coast came to a quick end the day after the wedding as I drove back to New York to catch the first of many flights.  This part of the road trip was made even longer by the fact that all east/west roads in Vermont and upper Massachusetts had been washed away with the hurricane.  Of course I drove half way across VT before realizing this and having to turn around and back track to the Mass Pike.  I still was able to squeeze in a quick dinner with my sister and family and then started the long trek back to the islands.
I had a great trip overall and got to see lots of friends and family!  I do wish the trip was an easier one or I'd make it back more often to see everyone, but hoping that all will come to visit HI sometime in the near future as well!
Ok- back to the grind here, hope everyone is well!