Monday, January 17, 2011

A tropical family holiday

I was unable to go home for Christmas this year- but was lucky enough that part of my family could come here to enjoy a tropical holiday!  My parents came for just over a week before Christmas, and my sister and her boyfriend were able to stay through till New Years. 
My parents spent their first night at a hotel in Honolulu as it was also my last night at work- and with all the jet lag I figured they would just be sleeping anyway.  The week before their arrival- I ended up volunteering to hand out race packets for the Honolulu Marathon and learned that the race course would go right past my parent's hotel.  I informed them of this information and said they should look up what time it's coming by to go out and watch.  Little did I or they know that the race started at about 5am, their hotel was about 1 block from the starting line and it took over an hour for everyone to file past their hotel.  They found this out when suddenly awakened by screaming, bells ringing and bullhorns blaring as onlookers cheered for the next 1 plus hours outside their window!  Pretty cool experience none the less, depending on which parent you ask...=)

Our first few days on Oahu were spent exploring the island.  We spent some time at the Kailua beach park, snorkeled at Hanauma Bay, visited Pearl Harbor and I finally drove up to the North Shore one day.  All in all- each day had a nice slow start but plenty of activities to pass the time quickly once we got going.  Pictures are worth a thousand words- so here you go!

Honolulu Christmas decorations! 

Hiking to the lighthouse on the south point of Oahu

Kristen- queen of the self photo

At the end of the week, we took a trip down to the Big Island (aka Hawaii) .  Although only there for a few days, it was elected that we try to do all the well known things while there- including visiting the volcanoes on the opposite side of the island from where we are flying in/out.  Driving around the island in total takes about 5.5 hours- really not much by mainland standards but quite a hull by island standards.  So everyone that has lived here for some time was amazed that we were willing to drive that far in just a few days time.  The first king of Hawaii, King Kamehameha I, was born on the Big Island- so there are lots of historic sights along the way that have something corresponding to him.  This includes the original statue of him that was lost at sea for several years.  Its replacement stands in Honolulu, but the original was given to his home town when it was recovered.  It also includes the rock pictured below...we have no idea why this is significant, but thought it was hilarious.

That's a nice rock...

Cutest hula girls ever!  We were lucky enough to catch a hula performance by a local group on the day we visited the volcano park.  Apparently there are 3 locations in HI considered sacred ground where it is an honor to perform- and this is one of them!

In front of the only erupting volcano...why are we smiling?

Classic Hawaii....makes me laugh.  Clearly this sign is portable and can be removed when hiking is considered ok.  True though- duck tape fixes everything...

At the south east edge of the Big Island, a lava flow spilled over the road coursing around the outer perimeter of the island.  You can hike down the remaining part of the road and out onto the cooled lava flow (happened about a year ago I think?)  This ever so conveniently placed sign however is about 200 yards into the flow from the last piece of asphalt.  If you hadn't figured out that the road was closed by this point...I'm not really sure we can help you...
I was pretty happy to get back to Oahu though after the trip- not only was Miles waiting for us back in his new home of Oahu- but the Big Island has 5 active volcanoes- one of which is 10 years overdue for eruption.  So, although it was interesting to see another island, I think I'll go home now, thank you...=)

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