Thursday, July 21, 2011


We made it!
The day started early as we left ~3am in order to beat the guard to the trailhead. And apparently we were not the only ones with this idea! There were 3 other groups hiking with us- one group of whom stopped to smoke cigarettes at every opportunity and still made it thru the whole thing faster! The stairs make up the entirety of the hike, and frequently turn from stairway into a ladder on the fairly vertical sections. We reached the first platform to rest and take in the only view we'd end up having the whole hike- still dark over Kaneohe but a lit up H3 highway and town far below and we were only 1/3 of the way up! Little did I know we should take a picture from here since we were not to see anything further up! As the ascent continued- the rain, wind and clouds worsened. Parts of the stairway follow a very narrow ridge line with sharp drop offs on either side- which one is made all the more aware of with the rain and wind blowing. And I swear the state must have run out of money or supplies because from the last platform to the top the stairs are about 1/2 the width as the first part of the stairway!
All this being said- it was still a far less scary climb than going up Half Dome!! See previous posts for this story if you don't recall... Nonetheless- I was happy to get home to a nice warm shower and breakfast!
So although today was far from the best day to undertake such a hike- it was still a noteworthy accomplishment. And tomorrow will be far from the best day of walking to show for it I'm sure!
On the way down during a brief intermission from the rain.
This is someone's internet photo- just wanted to show you the stairs and ridgeline!
In other hikes over the last couple of months- I went up to Ka'ena Point at the very western most tip of Oahu to watch the sunset. Gorgeous view from here and much preferred time of day for me as well! This area is a state park with no vehicle access on the last 2 miles of the peninsula. It serves as a nesting ground for several of the local seabirds including shearwater, albatross and frigate birds. Easy, flat hike and very peaceful area. In the right season the endangered Hawaiian monk seals can also be seen resting on the coastline- didn't see any this time around but plan to go back!
Looking back down the west coast of Oahu from the point

It's an alllllbatrossss!

No words needed
I was also finally able to do a short hike with one of the hiking groups on the island over Memorial Day weekend and was joined by my previous roommate- Leslie for this 3 mile trip overlooking Kaneohe Bay. Didn't find this hike listed in my hiking guidebook but it's a nice, fairly easy hike with a great view at the end! The group photos are courtesy of another member from the hiking group- thanks Mike!

Vilma (ironically a friend of my new roomie...small island...), Leslie and I 

Gorgeous view from the top looking northward up the east (windward) coast of Oahu

Hiking group on the way up

Coconut/Gilligan's Island from another view!

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